
TrailNation is the formal branding given to the regionally specific trail network-building projects spread throughout the lower 48 states.

There was a concerted effort in 2017 to bring these projects, formally known within the organization as the “Projects of National Significance," into a more public view and house them within a polished parent-brand. While the effort was an organization-wide push with buy-in from both internal and external partners, the branding process was handled exclusively by the communications department. The name TrailNation, chosen from countless other suggestions, was my contribution in addition to the logo and corresponding branding elements. Today, there are nine TrailNation projects and counting, with 12 additional collaborative sites across the country. The initiative is one of Rails-to-Trails conservancy’s flagship operations, and the brand plays a vital role in legitimizing the efforts to replicate successful trail and infrastructure models in new locations.

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In 2018, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy hosted the first ever Trail-Nation Summit in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, bringing in trail partners and local officials from across the country to learn, discuss, and explore the opportunities and challenges associated with building a network of active and alternative transportation models. This summit required an extensive suite of branded materials, including close partnership with and direction of third party vendors who provided support in production, logistics, and development.

Early Brand Concepts for TrailNation

Early branding concepts for the TrailNation projects

Great American Rail Trail


2019 Impact Report